In fact, Coyote numbers seem to be on the rise lately, according to witnesses from Sussex County. While not originally from the East Coast, they have made their way there and are slowly spreading their territories. This species is not native to our area, but is expanding its range very rapidly as of Jan 2025. We’ve included a little info of the backstory of Cayotes in Delaware to give a little context as to how they were introduced, what people are doing about it, and what to do if you encounter a Cayote.
(Scroll down for recent photos, warning: these photos are of hunted Cayotes, deceased. Graphic In Nature. Be advised.)
Backstory – Context: Coyotes in Delaware: A Growing Story
Coyotes first began appearing in Delaware in the early 1990s, according to Mike Adams, Division of Fish and Wildlife biologist for furbearers and small game. Their population in Sussex County isn’t growing any differently than in other parts of the state, he said.
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) tracks the coyote population through public sighting reports and annual hunter and trapper harvest surveys. Hunters and trappers are required to report every coyote they harvest, providing valuable data for monitoring efforts.
How Coyotes Came to Delaware
Historically, coyotes were native to the Midwest and western United States, but over the last century, they’ve steadily expanded eastward. Adams attributes this to large-scale deforestation, which created the open, patchy habitats coyotes thrive in.
“Before widespread timber harvests, the East Coast was dominated by dense forests, which were not ideal for coyotes,” Adams explained. Their expansion was also helped by the disappearance of major predators like wolves and mountain lions, along with the reduced black bear population.
Delaware became the 49th state to host coyotes, primarily due to its geography. The Chesapeake Bay, too wide for coyotes to swim across, acts as a natural barrier. Their entry route has been limited to a narrow land corridor near the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware River.
Hunting and Trapping in Delaware
To manage the population, Delaware established hunting and trapping seasons for coyotes in 2014:
Trapping Season: Dec. 1 to March 10 (day and night permitted).
Hunting Season: Sept. 1 to Feb. 28.
Year-Round Depredation Order: Allows coyotes to be taken anytime to protect property or livestock.
Coyotes are primarily nocturnal, making them challenging to hunt. Some advocates, like local hunter Hopkins, suggest allowing nighttime hunting with spotlights, as neighboring states do, to improve success rates.
Coyotes are elusive and incredibly smart. They’re cryptic, nocturnal, and adept at avoiding human interaction, which makes them difficult to hunt. Trapping, however, yields much higher success rates.
Dispelling Coyote Myths
Rumors have circulated about coyotes being intentionally introduced to Delaware to control the white-tailed deer population. Adams dismissed these claims outright: “The stories of releasing coyotes all have one thing in common—they’re completely false.”
While animal sightings in Delaware are not uncommon, coyote sightings seem to be on the rise. Coyote numbers apparently have expanded their habitats to extend their range to include Sussex County, where they are thriving and expanding. They are good hunters and can pursue prey larger than themselves.
More Recently, Eastern Shore Predator Control has been culling the local population to keep them in check.
Local farmer and businessman Kenny Hopkins is raising the alarm for what he says is a growing population of coyotes in Sussex County.
DNREC’s Statement on Cayotes:
While Delaware’s coyote population remains relatively low, coyotes have been documented in each of the state’s three counties. Coyotes (Canis latrans) have been expanding across the continental United States since the mid-1900s and are now found in 49 of the 50 states, with only Hawaii not having a coyote population. Delaware is recognized as the 49th state populated by the species.
Though Delaware’s coyote population is small compared to the state’s more commonly-found species such as red fox and raccoon, coyotes have been confirmed here by trail camera photographs, occasional animals struck and killed by vehicles, sightings from the public and hunter- and trapper-reported harvests.
Anyone who harvests a coyote in Delaware must report it to DNREC’s Division of Fish and Wildlife within one business day (not including weekends and state holidays) by calling 302-735-3600 (ext 2). Harvest data is used by state wildlife biologists to help monitor and manage the coyote population.
In 2014, a statewide hunting and trapping season was established for coyotes as well as a year-round Coyote Depredation Order that allows landowners to harvest coyotes when there is an imminent threat of them causing injury to humans, livestock or domestic animals. Annually, fewer than five coyotes are harvested in Delaware.
Hunting Cayotes in Delaware; Hunting Season
Coyote hunting in Delaware is subject to specific regulations to manage and monitor the population. The hunting season runs from September 1 to February 28, and a variety of methods are permitted, including the use of compound, recurve, longbows, crossbows, shotguns, muzzleloading rifles, rimfire, or centerfire rifles up to .25 caliber. However, hunting coyotes at night or on Sundays is prohibited in the state.
Landowners in Delaware have the right to harvest coyotes year-round if they pose an imminent threat to human safety, livestock, or domestic animals. When a coyote is harvested, it must be reported to the Division of Fish and Wildlife within one business day. This reporting is crucial as it assists state wildlife biologists in monitoring and managing the coyote population.
Coyotes, a non-native species in Delaware, have been present for at least a decade and have expanded their territory to include the state. Despite being hunted and trapped for over 200 years, coyotes are highly adaptable and are known to thrive in various habitats, from deserts and swamps to suburbs and cities. They are opportunistic feeders with a diet that ranges widely, from small mammals and birds to fruits, vegetables, and even garbage.
For effective coyote hunting during the day, it’s recommended to learn the habitat and behaviors of coyotes, such as locating dens and understanding their diet throughout the year. It’s also advised not to overhunt a location and to seek permission for hunting on private property if needed.
Standing in a clover field behind his home off Route 1, near Cave Neck Road, Hopkins said he began noticing them last year. Now, he said, there’s a whole pack.
“It’s going to devastate turkeys and the local deer herd,” said Hopkins, showing photos of a pack of coyotes taken at night with a trail camera. “You can tell there are more coyotes around because the deer herd is real skittish.”
It’s not just the property behind his house, as Hopkins said he’s heard reports from other hunters that there are coyotes all over Sussex County.
“They have no natural predators and there’s nothing to stand in their way,” said Hopkins.
Hopkins is warning homeowners who live in developments near woods to be on the lookout. Coyotes will come right up to someone’s yard if their dog or cat is left out for extended periods of time, he said.
Avoiding Conflict with Coyotes
With an exception for vehicular contact, taking the steps below may decrease coyote encounters in areas where they have been sighted. However, coyotes are adaptable to change and quick to learn new ways of survival. But by making life less endurable for coyotes in your area, you can increase the likelihood that they will go somewhere else.
Do not feed coyotes, and eliminate standing sources of water for them.
Elevate bird feeders so that coyotes can’t get at them. Coyotes are attracted by bread, table scraps, and even seed. They may also be attracted by birds and rodents that come to the feeders.
Do not discard edible garbage where coyotes can get to it. Also: secure garbage containers.
Don’t allow pets to run free. Keep them safely confined and provide secure nighttime housing for them.
Discourage coyotes from cohabitating with humans. If you see them around your home or property, chase them away by shouting, making loud noises, or by throwing rocks at them.