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Lewes, Delaware, has recently seen a surge in the adorable presence of very young baby seals along its coast, captivating the attention of residents and visitors alike. The MERR Institute, with its dedicated team of experts, has been actively involved in ensuring the well-being of these fluffy little creatures who are still heavily reliant on their mothers for sustenance.

These baby seals, distinguished by their fluffy white fur, are too young to fend for themselves and require assistance in obtaining food and water for their growth. MERR’s intervention has been crucial in providing the necessary care for these vulnerable beings, including health assessments to safeguard them from potential injuries, particularly from adult seals.

The unexpected appearance of these baby seals in Delaware has sparked curiosity and interest among the local community. It is believed that a new seal family may have taken up residence near Lewes, leading to the increasing sightings of these young marine mammals along the beaches – a phenomenon that has surprised many, given the usual age at which seals are spotted on the shore.

Notable among the rescued seals is a baby girl seal discovered at Cape Henlopen State Park on February 10th, who is currently under the care of experts and will soon be transferred to the National Aquarium in Baltimore for further assistance.

If you found a seal…

Should you ever encounter a seal on the beach or in another location, it is advised to contact MERR promptly at 302-228-5029. Maintaining a safe distance of approximately 150 feet is crucial to avoid distressing the seals, allowing them to rest undisturbed. Understanding these behavioral cues can contribute significantly to the well-being of these marine visitors, and MERR appreciates the community’s collective efforts in ensuring the safety and welfare of these charming baby seals.