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This page has information about Off Market Real Estate Deals, including For Sale By Owner

What this page is not: This page is not an MLS listing page. This page does not offer Real Estate, Financial, or Legal Advice. Any information garnered if informational purposes only. Read our Privacy Policy for more (we cannot legally give you real estate advice).

Off Market Deals is by definition, off the MLS, or, in a community that is not online, for sale by owner, or not for sale – but could be for the right price. Bottom line – if you’re looking for off market deals, regardless of the type, we can help put you in touch with the right resources – including real estate, legal, and financial. We call this service “Delaware Beaches Advisors”, and is a free resource.

How it works:

  1. Discovery: First, reach out to Delaware Beaches Advisors and get on the radar for upcoming deals that are in your price range, location, and timing. You’ll join our network and database of qualified buyers (or sellers), word-of-mouth, real estate investor groups, or online platforms dedicated to off-market deals.
    1. Or, to inquire about an a property you’ve identified that interests you.
  2. Research and Valuation: Research to understand the property’s value. This might include looking at comparable properties, assessing the location, and considering any renovation costs.
  3. Contact the Owner: Reach out to the property owner or, the representing company directly. This could be through a direct introduction, an intermediary, or through contact information provided in an off-market listing.
  4. Negotiation: Discuss the price and terms directly with the owner. Without agents, this process can be more straightforward but also requires a good understanding of real estate transactions.
  5. Formal Offer: Once you reach a verbal agreement, you’ll typically draft a formal offer letter or purchase agreement, outlining the terms, price, contingencies, and timeline.
  6. Due Diligence: Conduct a thorough inspection and, if necessary, finalize your financing. You might also want to consult with a real estate attorney to review the terms.
  7. Closing: If all goes well, you’ll move to closing the deal, which involves signing all necessary legal documents, transferring the funds, and finally, acquiring the property.

The process isn’t typically that cut and dry, but if we had to give an ambiguous 100 yard view in a nutshell, that’d be it.

Why Off-Market in Southern Delaware?

Southern Delaware’s real estate market is rich with opportunities, but the best deals often don’t make it to the public listings. Off-market properties in this region offer:

  1. Exclusive Access: Get ahead of the competition with properties that are only available through private networks.
  2. Better Deals: Off-market properties can often be negotiated at more favorable prices due to less exposure and competition.
  3. Unique Opportunities: Discover new construction projects and investment properties that are not yet on the map.

New Home Construction Communities

Southern Delaware is witnessing an expansion in new home construction communities. These developments are often not listed on public platforms during their initial stages.

These could include:

  • Upcoming residential projects.
  • Developer information and construction timelines.
  • Pre-market buying opportunities.

Investment Properties

For investors, Southern Delaware offers a range of properties with excellent potential for appreciation and rental income.

  • Residential and commercial properties with investment potential.
  • Emerging neighborhoods poised for growth.
  • Exclusive tips on securing profitable deals.

Join Our Community

Engaging with online communities can be a game changer in finding off-market deals. We recommend joining these Facebook groups, but as always, be careful – these groups are unvetted and could be risky:

These groups are platforms for real estate enthusiasts, buyers, sellers, and investors to connect, share insights, and discover new opportunities. But again, proceed with caution. Only work with trusted and well vetted companies.

Stay Informed

Knowledge is power in the real estate market. Stay updated with:

  • Market trends and analysis in Southern Delaware.
  • Success stories and tips from local real estate experts.
  • Upcoming events and meetups for networking.

Get in Touch

Are you ready to explore off-market real estate opportunities in Southern Delaware? Contact us or Delaware Beaches Advisors for personalized assistance and exclusive access to the best deals in the region.


While this content is original and not directly sourced from external materials, the Facebook groups mentioned are real and can be accessed via the provided links. The rest of the information is based on general real estate knowledge and practices. This information is in no way giving real estate advice, or legal advice, or financial advisement!