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Though the second smallest of the United States, Delaware is surprisingly home to some animals you wouldn’t normally expect to see.

Delaware’s has a moderate climate over the year, rarely with any extremes in temperature or precipitation. This middle range, along with its many parks and nature patches, give the First State an unusual mix of animals that live within its borders. While not perhaps exclusive to its area, some interesting species show up here and there. If you’re into that sort of thing, keep reading!


Yes, sharks! As Delaware is home to numerous beaches and long coastlines, sharks should be expected to show up along those areas, but their appearance can still shock people from time to time.Read more about interesting and surprising sharks found off the coast of Delaware >


Long, spear-like snouts, large sail-like dorsal fins, and even larger bodies. Billfish are apex predators and like sharks, are found in all the world’s oceans.Learn more about Delawares Billfish found off the coast of the Delaware Beaches >


The largest marine animals anywhere in the world.Read more about whales found off the Delaware Coast >


Eagles are among the largest birds in the world and  have incredible vision and hearing. They can spot prey from above, diving to catch them in mid-flight.You can check out more about eagles found in Delaware in this link


Coyote numbers seem to be on the rise lately, according to witnesses from Sussex County.

Coyotes in Delaware have been sighted in all three counties of the state. They are a recent addition to Delaware’s wildlife, having spread across the continental United States since the mid-1900s. Delaware is the 49th state to report their presence. These animals are adaptable and can live in various environments, including urban areas. Their diet is diverse, and they are known to be opportunistic feeders. Efforts to manage and understand their population include a hunting and trapping season, as well as monitoring through reported sightings and harvests. For more detailed information, visit the DNREC website.

You can check out this page for more information about coyotes in Delaware.

Wild Pigs

In Delaware? They seem to be on the rise lately…You can check out this link for more about wild pigs in Delaware

Snakes of Delaware

  1. astern Ribbon Snake: Semi-aquatic and typically found near water, these slender snakes are known for basking on branches overhanging water. They primarily hunt amphibians, fish, and invertebrates.
  2. Eastern Milksnake: This snake, which gets its name from an old myth about milking cows, prefers habitats like fields, woodlands, and rocky outcrops. They are somewhat secretive and feed on small mammals, birds, and even other snakes.
  3. Eastern Kingsnake: Recognizable by their shiny black skin with white or yellow bands, these snakes are found in various habitats, including forests and swamps. They’re known for being immune to venom from pit-vipers and feeding on smaller venomous snakes.
  4. Eastern Ratsnake: These snakes are usually black in Delaware and can be found in trees, as they are arboreal. They feed on rodents, birds, and eggs.
  5. Red Cornsnake: Known for their presence near corn storage areas, these snakes occupy habitats like fields and swamps. They are constrictors and primarily prey on rodents and birds.
  6. Scarletsnake: Often confused with venomous coral snakes, they are distinguishable by their red coloration with light bands. They are commonly found in pine flat woods and sandy areas.
  7. Rough Greensnake: Bright green in color, making them blend in well with foliage. They are arboreal and spend a lot of time in low vegetation.
  8. Eastern Garter Snake: A common species in Delaware, found in various habitats and known for releasing a foul-smelling musk when threatened.
  9. Northern Brown Snake: A small, non-venomous snake that feeds on small invertebrates and is found in diverse habitats.
  10. Black Racer: Known for their sleek black color and fast, agile nature, they inhabit various habitats and are non-venomous.
  11. Eastern Worm Snake: Small and often mistaken for a worm, this snake primarily inhabits forested areas and feeds on earthworms and other small invertebrates.
  12. Northern Ringneck Snake: Notable for the distinctive ring around its neck, it’s a small snake that prefers hiding in leaf litter and under rocks.
  13. Copperhead: The only venomous snake in Delaware, known for their distinctive copper-colored head and light body with darker crossbands.

Lizards and Skinks

Unlike the others on the list which swim, fly, or chase after prey, these fellows try to stay out of the spotlight. What are they? Lizards and Skinks. Here are the three most common you’ll most likely encounter around the First State.
You can check out more about these three here